李运通,汉族,湖南双峰人,中共党员,江苏大学工学博士,澳门37000Cm威尼斯讲师,硕士生导师,“食药两用资源研究与高值化利用”湖南省重点实验室副主任。从事食品加工理论与技术研究,主持湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,湘西州科技计划“校地融合”专项项目,澳门37000Cm威尼斯人才引进科研项目等,参与国家自然科学基金项目1项。在Int. J. Biol. Macromol., J. Cereal Sci., J. Food Compos. Anal.等SCI收录期刊发表论文10余篇,J. Food Meas. Charact.期刊审稿人。联系方式:litong200933@163.com。
[1] 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(优秀青年项目):燕麦淀粉球晶的制备及其消化特性评价的基础研究(22B0520),在研,主持。
[2] 湘西州科技计划项目“校地融合”专项:莓茶精深加工与利用研究(2022001),在研,主持。
[3] 澳门37000Cm威尼斯引进人员科研资助项目:湘西凤凰苦荞加工适应性改善和苦味抑制的机制及关键技术(JSDX20211110),在研,主持。
[4] 湘西州技术攻关“揭榜挂帅”项目:馥郁香型白酒新型陈酿关键技术研究,在研,参与。
[1] 米旺, 陈吉, 余佶, 姚茂君, 麻成金, 李运通*. 武陵山区4种块根类淀粉的糊化特性和冲调性质分析.食品与机械, 39(02), 2023.
[2] Yuntong Li, Yajing Qi, Haiteng Li, Zhongwei Chen and Bin Xu*, Improving the cold water swelling properties of oat starch by subcritical ethanol-water treatment. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 194, 2022.(中科院1区 IF 6.95)
[3] Mohammed, Obadi, Yuntong Li, and Bin Xu*. Identifying key factors and strategies for reducing oil content in fried instant noodles. Journal of Food Science, 87, 2022: 4329-4347. (中科院3区 IF 3.693)
[4] Yuntong Li, Mohammed Obadi, Jialiang Shi, Bin Xu*, Yong-Cheng Shi*, Rheological and thermal properties of oat flours and starch affected by oat lipids, Journal of Cereal Science, 102, 2021.(中科院2区 IF 3.64 )
[5] Yuntong Li, Mohammed Obadi, Yajing Qi, Jiachen shi, Shuyi Liu, Jun Sun, Zhongwei Chen, Bin Xu*, Extraction of oat lipids and phospholipids using subcritical propane and dimethyl ether: experimental data and modeling, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 123, 2021 (中科院3区IF 2.46)
[6] Yuntong Li, Mohammed Obadi, Jiachen Shi, Jun Sun, Zhongwei Chen, Bin Xu*, Determination of moisture, total lipid, and bound lipid contents in oats using low-field nuclear magnetic resonance, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 87, 2020. (中科院2区IF 4.56)
[7] Yuntong Li, Ye Chen*, Shuhong Li, Ang Gao, Shuang Dong, Structural changes of proteins in fresh noodles during their processing, International Journal of Food Properties, 20, 2017. (中科院3区IF 3.70)
[8] 李运通, 陈野*, 李书红, 姚珩, 朱慧, 陈玥. 生鲜面常温贮藏过程中的品质变化规律. 食品科学, 38(01), 2017.
[1] 米 旺. 适宜馥郁香型白酒酿造工艺的高粱品种筛选, 大学生创新创业训练计划项目, 2022.06-2023.06, 指导老师.
[2] 邱燕羽. 燕麦淀粉球晶的制备与结构表征, 澳门37000Cm威尼斯本科生科研立项, 2022.10-2023.10,指导老师.